
“When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace” -Jimi Hendrix

Uniting Hearts Worldwide to Amplify Collective Consciousness For A Kinder World

Million Hearts Movement is a global initiative bringing people together to send love, kindness, and compassion at a shared moment in time. Science has shown that collective intention can create real change—imagine what a million hearts, united in purpose, can do. By joining, you become part of a worldwide ripple effect of healing and positivity.

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Why the Million Hearts Movement Matters

How You Can Make a Difference with the Million Hearts Movement

Be something bigger than yourself. In essence, the Million Hearts Movement is a collective effort, and every individual who joins amplifies the impact. As a result, the more people who participate, the greater the movement’s power to spread love and kindness. Here is how you can take part in this global movement to spread love. In addition, we’ll guide you through each step to make it easy for you to get involved.”

1. Sign Up

Add Your Name to the Movement

By doing so, you’ll join the global wave of kindness and compassion, strengthening the collective effort of millions.”

2. Set a Reminder

Set an Alarm for the Collective Movement

We’ll send you a reminder with the exact time for the global movement. Set an alarm or mark your calendar so you won’t miss it.

3. Send Positive Intentions

Take 5 Minutes to Send Love and Compassion

At the designated time, focus for just 5 minutes to send positive energy, love and compassion to the world. No matter the reason, whether it’s a question or an idea, let’s work together to make a difference.”=

4. Spread the Word

Share the Moment with Others

Moreover, encourage your friends, family and social media followers to join the Million Hearts Movement . As a result, the more people who participate, the greater the impact this global movement has on spreading love and kindness.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has”-Margaret Mead

Join the Movement

Stay Connected

We`d love to hear from you! No matter the reason, whether it’s a question or an idea, let’s work together to make a difference.

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Learn More

Want to dive deeper into the science of collective consciousness, love, and intention? Therefore, explore these fascinating studies and initiatives to understand how they contribute to global change: